
Selasa, 27 November 2012

Optimasi Seo On Page dan Of Page

 Optimasi Seo On Page dan Of Page
Tips ni complete seo techniques should only be received by the bloggers who are still at level 1 or 0 like me that should stand as tall in competition with other webmasters to take a position either in the SERP google. For high-level PR of viewers and have no need for a large networking so was still able to give a rival in Google SERP. Study Mission Seo Techniques
Optimasi Seo On Page
1. Train yourself generate an entry that is considered by berkualiti by google.2. Ensure all articles are in advance before the first page @ google.3. Balance your SEO techniques with a focus on social interaction / friendship with other bloggers rakan.4. Pick up traffic from search engines and blog-rakan rakan.
 On page seo techniquesOn page seo techniques is the case in point of emphasis the need to set a good kerana nothing in our blog (on page) remains anemic anjakan our entry in the SERP later though which kind of power any off page seo techniques we instill.Point is important for on page seo techniques:1. Select the template that intimate seo and if shall intimate the user once. Facilitate crawlers and users (je once set up).2. We recommend that you set up a template that has a steady style meta tags, heading tags that meet the criteria seo, additional elements that affect our seo techniques (je once set up).3. Produce post berkualiti article perenggan drafting format, font and others. Moreover let the article do not seem relevant element of spam (deeds, every time writing articles).4. Control of outbound links from the blog, please do not provide many links out versus incoming links (backlinks).5. Keyword density relevant in pairs to follow the correct amount of% keyword and make sure not too much over. The location of the target was the keyword in the pedestal position crawlers (make your line every time of writing).6. Selecting target keywords that are not in the business and craft skills themselves. If the gamble that target high in the search engines, we got more business is to create popularity off page (again, we find no networking backlink and new blogs that do not have pagerank). It may take the risk, because if the shortcut should remain diligent rivals. If you are lazy, choose the less je rivals like me have told close links google how to influence this.7. Relevant - it is an essential ingredient for google. If you give anchor link, make sure the text is releven with links that go. As linking that I make on the 'how to influence google' tu. If it makes headlines article, let me lah releven content and keyword articles (do another editorial, article takde direct link, keyword is to the sea).Off page seo techniquesSeo off page technique is one way to help us 'move' entry position us in a position to better search engine. Perhaps the original article we are in front of the letter to 30 google, so this may help article we are on the front face of google (top one was allowed).Maybe if we target keywords into the ranking is less competition, not use any off page fun je article we are on the front face of the letter google. But if too much competition from the webmaster air-high pagerank, here was the one we got against the popularity of high-pagerank backlinks webmaster tall order to surmount to a better position.Techniques to build backlink popularity:1.Gunakan relevant anchor text that targets the search engines into ranking as a backlink. Refer to the link [anchor text backlinks intent].2.Standby 3-4 or more other active blog and google index as a dummy blog. Its function is to assist us in advance before google backlink popularity provides support for single articles or blog pagerank.3.Use web 2.0 is good as link building.4.Gunakan what the site should also allow us to make the anchor text backlinks (not the location of the URL).5.Sebaiknya find dofollow high pagerank site areas to leave anchor text backlinks.6.Nofollow areas of high PageRank site are very helpful,7.Ping service manual (please do not use the software auto ping and ping bulk to many site.gunakan manual itself because google may detect. It should make entries in the index because it does not seem natural).8.Komen rakan blogger blog dofollow CommentLuv or otherwise. It was takpe Nofollow backlinks make us look varied and natural.9.take note: not all of the case on the need to create. Sometimes we make little je from the list above him, look at our article on the top 1 dah face next letter google.10.Take note: I like the natural backlinks. Where is he son of backlinks that we can tu is given by masarakat else out there (mention the article / blog) for our blog useful and berkualiti. But all that we may make it yourself with the above in order to get confidence in the search engines. To work off page appears we tu natural, like we were for backlinks, but it seems kind of people who mention the article / blog (important technique here).Seo techniques are balanced
Optimasi Seo Of Page
Playing with seo techniques, we should get an organic visitor. But it will not necessarily traffic spoken communication through our blog. It's a bit boring if no friend is not it? so do not forget the importance rakan blogger. What bersistematik and easy here is. Seo techniques instill balanced under: -1.Publish artkel.2.Ping publish a new article (crawler and rakan blogger tells us that free blog updates).3.Singgah individually-rakan rakan blog. Here perhaps we are listing, bloglist, or may take advantage of the latest comments. Reply their visit to your blog to perpetuate their former friendship.4.Dengan way we can no.3 automatic backlinks for seo technique of comments once gus good culture for friendship berkekalan fellow bloggers.5.Ianya comments may also increase the excitement of entries each of which is baru updated.6.Dah out tender-loving comments huhahuha good thing we are not overbearing and there rakan blogger. Remove the check positions 3-4 hours there is an entry in the google page number. If still not satisfied, use another technique as I senaraikan sponsorship of off page seo techniques list above.
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Trik Seo Blogspot

Trik Seo Blogspot Akhirnya setelah lama vacum dan tidak pernah melakukan perawatan di site Belajar Seo untuk pemula ini akhirnya disela-sela waktu yang ga ada senggangnya saya mencoba untuk menuliskan beberapa artikel yang berhubungan dengan promosi online di internet atau umumnya disebut dengan seo (optimasi website). Belajar seo, sangat umum dan saya sering sekali mendengar kata itu, tapi apa sih sebenarnya yang haru dipelajari agar bisa cepat menguasai tekhnik-tekhnik seo yang jitu dan mujarab. Saya akan mencoba membahas apa saja yang harus dikuasai bagi pemula, minimal bisa menerapkan seo yang baik untuk web baru yang sudah dibuat, jadi siapkan dahulu bahan-bahannya seperti: koneksi internet dan website yang belum dioptimasi. Seo Blogspot
1.Basic format Langsung saja, format dasar seo sebenarnya terletak di: Title/Judul halaman, Meta, yang dibagi menjadi dua yakni meta keyword dan meta description. Sedangkan di Body yang perlu diperhatikan adalah penulisah heading dan seterusnya, karena penulisan heading sangat berpengaruh dalam proses seo. Sebaiknya gunakan heading dengan ‘bijak’, yakni sebaiknya untuk judul utama, untuk sub menu dan seterusnya. Pengaruhnya lumayan dasyat dan hasilnya pun optimal. Hanya dengan menerapkan basic format ini, saya kira semua syarat dari search engine sudah terpenuhi. Memang sih akan ada banyak lagi yang harus dikerjakan, tapi yang penting kan basicnya harus benar dulu. 2.Pemilihan Keyword Tahap ini sebenarnya tahap yang paling sulit, karena ditahap ini anda akan mendapatkan tantangan besar untuk menentukan keyword apa yang cocok untuk web anda. Tapi gak perlu takut untuk mencoba, karena master seo pun masih mencoba-coba dalam menentukan keyword apa yang cocok, namun tidak asal coba. Semua itu harus ditentukan dengan tools yang khusus dipakai untuk menentukan keyword. Pakai saja yang gratis, yakni tools yang dipakai untuk google adword, karena tools itu bisa memberikan hasil yang optimal. Tips untuk memilih keyword yakni jangan menggunakan keyword yang lagi populer dan banyak diperebutkan, sebaiknya hindari itu dari pada anda akan cepat putus aza. Trik Seo 3.Backlink & Blog walking Ini yang penting. Saya gak perlu menjelaskan ini lebih rinci karena pasti anda sudah tahu tentang ini. Intinya bagaimana web anda bisa dilink oleh web lain yang topiknya sejenis kalau bisa, tapi kalau enggak juga gak apa-apa. Dari pengalaman yang saya liat selama ini link yang tidak setopik memang kurang greget, tapi cukuplah untuk nambah-nambah poin untuk ningkatin pagerank. Demikian juga dengan blog walking, yakni dengan memberikan komentar yang tentunya baik dan relefan Trik Seo Blogspot
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Belajar Seo blogspot

Belajar Seo blogspot Search engine optimization, or SEO - there is also a call Search Marketing - does not have to be complicated. And do not actually need any special technical knowledge. Even if you do not know at all knowledgeable about SEO, you can learn the basics to maximize search engine in a matter of days. I will discuss the preliminary study SEO here, then I will share a simple SEO strategy. But reliable enough to build traffic to your website. If you are already familiar and reasonably proficient with SEO, forgive me as I discuss the basic SEO. Introduction: SEO Tutorial for Your Blog Seo blogspot First, try to understand this! SEO is one thing that takes a little time to learn, but it takes a lot of time to master. That's right, is not it? What is SEO? Just to define for beginners, SEO can be defined by simple process of increasing the traffic coming to your website from search engines. Can google, bing or yahoo. SEO can be divided into two components: on-page optimization and off-page omptimasi. On-page optimization are things you can do on your blog. While the off-page factors are beyond your blog can increase your blog ranking in search engines. on-page is pretty important. But it is quite simple and relatively easy to do. Off-page optimization is much more difficult and the most important factor in maximizing traffic from search engines. SEO: Keyword Originally a Journey Through And Backlink Backlink to Belajar Seo The most basic of all business SEO is the key word. Keywords are words or phrases that someone typed in the search engine. Keywords work just like this: google wants to send someone to blog / website that provides information to the page they want to see. That's why google frequently changing its algorithm system. They just want good service and conduct. In addition, it is also important to know how popular the keyword. call it as search volume. Search volume determines approximately how many visitors you can receive. It is also not free from competition for that keyword - how tight and strong efforts of others to target keywords that too. When looking to implement SEO techniques, you should start with a keyword. You know which keywords you want to target based on search volume and level of competition. In the on-page, things you need to consider are: a. URL (eg your domain, and target the keywords you learn the workings of a motorcycle engine. Ensure that the keywords entered in the url you! Could be / how-work-engine-motor-bike. b. Meta tags (including title, description and keywords) c. Keyword placement (in the article, header tags, image alt, etc.) d. Internal and external linking, doing good links to other pages within the site itself is like any other site. Then from the Backlink Backlink Search engines can not just rely on your site's content to produce search. For that they also consider the opinion of other sites. They consider links from other sites is a sign of trust that site to a site that he links. Businesses that need to be done, it is theoretically simple. These important points: the number of links, link quality, anchor text (words particular given the link-hyperlinks), and the content of the pages from the site and link (appropriateness themes). For a description of anchor text see this post, this and this. A Simple SEO Strategy Keywords can be a single word, a few words or a long-tailed keywords (long tail) keywords that are popular and there is not. So the key words could not have competitors, or there also has hundreds to thousands kompetior. Typically, the higher the search volume, the more kompetiror. But not always. Opportunities that can be taken are keywords that have a relatively low level of competition. Keywords with high search volume and high competition also called "short tail" keywords. Instead keywords with low search volume the lower the competition's so-called "Long Tail" keyword. Read articles about Long Tail keywords, if you're interested. I'll give an example. Hopefully you still persist to read. Keyword Research Google makes it easy for us to do keyword research. His name is "keywor tool. You can use it here: google keyword tool. Now think first term may be typed for your blog visitors. Suppose you write about the techniques of playing football. Use keywords / terms before, you will get something like this: Keyword Research Note the key word football has a global monthly search volume one million and 823 000 monthly workshops. Do you want to get some traffic from there? Before you get too excited, I should explain a few things. First, the key word is "Short Tail." It's definitely hot competition. Both our results will still too broad. It is the result of monthly searches for keywords, soccer and football. It was not football. To get the peris for "football," we need to check the [Exact] under the tabs match types. If it is you'll get a phrase that has a monthly search volume of 90 500 local (Indonesia) going global too. Declined from 1 million monthly globalization and local 835 000 monthly. I think it is still too hot competition for our strategy. Belajar Seo blogspot
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cara membuat blog di blogger

Sebelum membuat blog di /, anda harus memiliki alamat email sebagai tempat konfirmasi dan juga memiliki nomor handphone yang bisa dihubungi.

Setelah anda siap, silahkan langsung buka dengan browser anda

Cara Pendaftaran :

  1. Pada situs blogger, klik Get Started. (Bila anda telah memiliki akun Google, Gmail, ataupun akun produk Google lainnya, anda bisa langsung login tanpa perlu mendaftar lagi)

  2. Isi form pendaftaran dengan data diri anda.
    Antara lain :
    1. Email Address : Isi dengan alamat email anda
    2. Retype email address : Ketik ulang alamat email
    3. Enter a password : Tentukan kode password yang hanya anda tahu, dan anda juga harus bisa mengingatnya, panjang password minimal 8 karakter dan harus terdiri dari gabungan huruf dan angka. (huruf besar dan kecil tidak sama)
    4. Retype password : Ketik ulang password anda sama persis dengan kolom 3
    5. Display name : Isi dengan nama atau nama panggilan anda (nick name / username)
    6. Email notifications : Beri tanda centang bila anda bersedia menerima email pemberitahuan, saran atau berita dari blogger
    7. Birthday : isi dengan tanggal bulan dan tahun lahir anda
    8. Word Verification : Verifikasi kata, isi sesuai dengan kata yang tertera pada gambar di atasnya
    9. Acceptance of Terms : Beri tanda centang bila anda menyetujui segala persyaratan dan ketentuan (peraturan) blogger
    10. Bila semua formulir pendaftaran telah terisi, klik Continue
  3. Proses Verifikasi Pembuatan Akun Blog Baru
    Dalam tahap ini, anda akan diminta memilih negara dan memasukkan nomor handphone anda, lalu klik Send Verification Code to ...

    Bila anda mengalami kesulitan dalam proses verifikasi, silahkan klik link report your issue untuk melaporkan masalah atau meminta bantuan seputar proses verifikasi yang anda bisa.

  4. Konfirmasi
    Setelah memasukkan dan mengirimkan nomor handphone, akan mengirimkan sms yang berisi nomor verifikasi (bila nomor handphone yang anda masukkan benar, anda akan menerima sms verifikasi dalam waktu kurang lebih 5 menit)

    Masukkan nomor verifikasi sesuai dengan kode yang anda terima, klik Verify

  5. Dashboard
    Setelah proses pendaftaran selesai, setiap login anda akan langsung berada di halaman Dashboard (Beranda), di halaman ini anda bisa mengelola blog-blog yang pernah anda buat maupun membuat sebuah blog baru.

  6. Untuk membuat blog baru, pada laman Dashboard klik link Create a Blog
  7. Menentukan Nama dan Alamat Blog
    Blog Title : Nama/judul Blog
    • Title / Nama usahakan unik dan berhubungan (sesuai) dengan isi blog, misal blog anda berisi artikel seputar pendidikan, maka nama blog juga harus identik dengan dunia pendidikan
    • Bisa dirubah lagi kapan saja anda mau
    Blog Address : Alamat Blog
    • contoh :
    • Tentukan baik-baik alamat blog, karena anda tidak akan bisa merubahnya lagi
    • Alamat blog jangan terlalu panjang, lebih pendek lebih baik
    • Alamat blog usahakan sesuai dengan title/nama/judul blog

  8. Menentukan Template atau Tema blog
    Pilih tema/template yang anda suka, atau untuk sementara pilih yang mana saja karena anda bisa merubahnya lagi nanti

  9. Mulai Kegiatan Blogging (ngeBlog)
    Setelah sampai ke tahap ini, berarti blog baru anda telah siap diisi, saya sarankan mulailah mencoba membuat satu postingan baru, mengatur template atau settingan blog :)

  1. Login dan Logout
    Login : Proses masuk kedalam akun
    • Setelah memiliki akun Blogger, anda bisa masuk kembali (login) kedalam akun anda di situs
    • Email (username akun google, atau alamat email)
    • Password : kata sandi unik yang hanya anda ketahui
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